Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ashley's Baby Shower

We had a shower yesterday for Ashley, she's having a little girl in August. With the help of Dana, Brittany and Tiffannee, I had a blast putting everything together for her.

I'm so thankful for such a great group of friends here in Omaha. I have had such a good time getting to know everyone here - I'm gonna miss the seniors that are leaving in two weeks, but I wish them all well on their next adventure.

Here are a few pictures from the event...

The Food...

Thank goodness for the internet for ideas, unfortunately I'm not very creative - but I can be a copycat!

After we set things up they made me take this picture, but I guess I'll throw it on here since I don't actually have many of myself on my actual blog.

First attempt at making a diaper cake.

The Friends...
Dana and Tiffannee

Brittany, Kristin and Miranda

Cindy, Jackie, Bonnie and Mindy

Jeannette and Joanna

Holly and Celeste
Megan, Audrey and Amanda

Thank you for everyone that helped and came! Ashley, you are a going to be a great mom, I'm thankful to get to experience this with you. We wish you and Matt the best!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nerd Alert!!!

I thought I would share with everyone what the life of a graduate student looks like. Dan has played XBox this weekend for a total of about 8 hours! This was him caught in the act.

SERIOUSLY - This is Dan's drug of choice, he has become a total addict! Thank you XBox live and Bill Gates.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Is that BLUE STEEL...

(marshall, matt, nick, cam and dan)

I had to steal this off of a friends blog, so I could post this for my family. I married a Rico and I didn't even know it.

This is testament that kids should stay in school, it can be so much more fun!